Saturday, January 16, 2010

iPhone-Controlled Quadricoptor

Coolest Januari gadget was not the Nexus One but the AR.Drone quadricoptor. Q: What is that? A: It is a WiFi controlled battery powered device that can be flown with a iPhone or iPod Touch.
It was untroduced during the CES 2010. Q: What is so special besides it can be controlled from my iPhone? A: Well when you look at the demo stream, you notice the ease to fly with it. We all know the RC helicopters you can buy for a few bucks in a reguular gadget store. The problem with them is to keep them in control. Normally they crash because of their inpredictable moves. This dron is different and packed with hightech stuff 'sensors and gyroscopes' to keep the drone rock steady. Combined with the device you already know, your own phone or iPod with its accelerometer. The step to fly a uadricopter is easier than ever. Plus the camera view you even can fly out of sight! One of the biggest features behind the technology is the sensors and advanced processing behind the device which allow it to practically fly itself.
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