I like comedy classics and one of the funniest sketches is the one John Cleese did with this course how to irritate people. He attracts the audience with "the story about the two blonds who visits a nude camp...scramble scramble" and then he start the sketch in the cockpit of a jumbo jet. Just to announce messages like 'the engines are NOT on fire' to terrify the passengers and at the end they all jump out the plane and possibly drop dead
I came across this game on the net. disclaimer: Shockwave Flash plugin needed - the original Prince of Persia. I played it on my Intel 80286 pc back in 1989. The whole night! The controls were a bit laggy but the story about saving a princess out of the hands of the bad guy was new and challanging. I can remember my pc was a self built pc, like most of the computers that time. Prince of Persia was the first game made full use of my vesa bus graphical card. Just imagine it is 1989 again and enjoy the best oldschool pc game of 1989 again. link Prince of Persia 1989 edition